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Get to Know Staff - Simba & Sparky
Bluee February 22, 2024 12:00 am
[user id="121073"]
Where does your username come from?
I was born the year Lion king came out and I have a stuff animal of simba that was my favorite as a kid. I still own it and that poor thing has seen some things. But that is where my username comes from.

What are you passionate about on Wajas?
I'm passionate about catching up to sparkys custom number.  Sparky: 732  Simba: 164 I'm almost there. 

What do you collect? (On Wajas, irl, or both!)?
I like collecting gen 2's and items so I can dress up my wajas nicely. In real life I have a mini hoard of stuff animals and a unhealthy amount of books. Both seem to continue growing.

Share one of your fondest memories related to Wajas.
The day I joined the STS staff, I was nervous at first you know cause Bluee and Sadi are 'very' scay. But I feel like I have gotten to know everyone in the group and have enjoyed their friendships.

Where are you from?
Midwest, United States

What are your hobbies or passions outside of Wajas?
Reading and crocheting
Im currently rereading the Percy Jckson series and I LOVE it so much. I really enjoy the series and hope to continue with Rick Riordans other series he has. 

What game(s) are you currently playing?
Astroneer, Sims 4, Palworld, Subnautica

What's your favorite place you've traveled to or have visited locally?
Disney and universal was really fun to go to.  It was fun to see some of your child hood come to life around you. Its really amazing to see how much effort and attention goes in to making that stuff in real life. 
My other favorite location was Wyoming/Yellowstone. It was just so pretty there!

What pets do you have/what would your dream pet be?
I have a pittie mix named Ares who is mostly white with brown spots. I foster a dog named Zappa, whose a hound mix. 

Cold weather or warm weather?
I prefer mild weather not to hot or cold. Which never happens in the Midwest. 

Simba is happy to answer questions in the comments!


[user id="49176"]
Where does your username come from?
Funny story that… When I first joined Wajas I had no idea what to call myself so I just put ‘Sparky’ as a placeholder, thinking, ‘oh I’ll change it later,’ and now it’s been over 15 years and I am still Sparky. 
What are you passionate about on Wajas?
Making sure Simba will never catch up to my custom count : )

What do you collect? (On Wajas, irl, or both!)?
On Wajas I collect customs and items. In RL, I collect things I probably don’t need but I sure do want. 

Share one of your fondest memories related to Wajas.
One day, Sadi was asking about mutation combinations with skull and I came up with a rather cursed design of skull, alien eyes, and rhino horns. We laughed and I threatened to make it a reality. But uh, joke’s on me cause Simba decided to make it first instead so then of course I had to make one. Which quickly became 60. And that’s how Eye of the Beholders became a subbreed. 

Where are you from?
Living in Minnesota and have been here basically my whole life hahaha.

What are your hobbies or passions outside of Wajas?
Video games, drawing and origami flowers.

What game(s) are you currently playing?
Palworld currently. But I have also been playing Dave the Diver, Timberborn, Pokemon (violet), and Bloons.

What's your favorite place you've traveled to or have visited locally?
My favorite place I’ve been is probably Japan, though Hawaii is a very close second!

What pets do you have/what would your dream pet be?
I’ve got a handful of snakes (7), a bearded dragon and a dog. A dream pet would probably be an Abronia.    
What are some things on your bucket list?
Buy so much cwp at one time that Estuko becomes concerned. 
Get a custom patch

Cold weather or warm weather?
I like it about 50F if there’s sun and 60Fish if there isn’t sun. Because of all the snakes my apartment likes to get very hot in the summer and the sun shines right on my windows. It’s fun, I promise.
Sparky is happy to answer questions in the comments!
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