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Rule Updates and Reminders
Bluee (Vacation) October 29, 2022 8:29 pm
Over the last few days we have made updates to our Art Rules and have added additional words to our Prohibited Language List.

I will not be going into detail about what words were added, but you can review our rules on swearing under our General Site Rules (Rule #1).

For the Art Rules we have updated the following (with changes italicized):

Under Art Sales Rules:
3) Traced / copied / heavily referenced artwork is NOT allowed. This cannot be stressed enough. Art sold on Wajas must be the original work of the artist. Artwork found to be traced, heavily copied, or stolen is absolutely forbidden anywhere on site. The artist posting it will have their thread locked, and potentially face punishments including heavy WC fines, ban on selling art in future, temporary forum bans, or freezing of accounts.

-- Sale of AI generated artwork is also NOT allowed. AI generated artwork is not the artist’s own work, and as such will not be allowed to be sold on Wajas. Any attempts to claim it as your own work will be seen as theft.

Under Artwork Rules:
3) Traced / copied artwork is NOT allowed.  Artwork found to be traced, heavily copied, or stolen is absolutely forbidden anywhere on site.  This includes both original art and fanart.  The artist posting it will have their thread locked, and potentially face punishments including heavy WC fines, ban on selling art in future, temporary forum bans, or freezing of accounts.

-- Display of AI generated artwork is allowed for now. It must be clearly stated that an AI program was used and the program used credited. AI generated may NOT be sold on Wajas and may NOT be displayed in sales threads (similar to how we handle Fan Art).
And then some general reminders:

- Please remember, all users are expected to have read our Terms of Service and our Rules and are actively upholding them. If you have not yet read them, or if it has been awhile, be sure to pop over and do so. Art rules can be found pinned at the top of the art forums. 

- We'd also like to issue a reminder to all users new and old, you should only have and be using two accounts. If you have friends or family who play from your home, you should not be funneling goods. Outside of occasional gifts (like for a birthday or Christmas or whatever), you must offer a fair on site trade for any and all items sent between accounts when playing with friends and family. Offering trades on other games or IRL is not allowed as per our Rules for Users who share IPs. If you are caught multi-accounting or funneling goods, all accounts will be frozen and you will lose all your hard work up until this point. 

- Finally, we'd like to also remind everyone about Rule 1 under Behaviour and Etiquette.
1. Treat others with respect. It is expected that every user will treat all players, staff and administration with respect. Treat others as you would wish to be treated. Direct targeting is not tolerated, nor is blatant disrespect.
Hope you all have been enjoying the Halloween events!

Thank you,
Wajas Staff
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