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Bulk Transfers!
Code November 15, 2021 9:54 am

Today we're please to introduce a feature you've been asking about for years: BULK TRANSFERS!

Our goals for Bulk Transfers were:

  • Provide an easy way to send a large number of items and/or wajas to another account
  • Look and behave as much like regular transfers as possible

Brief Overview

You can think of a Bulk Transfer as a container that you can add items and wajas to, similar to how Auctions are set up. Choose the new Bulk Transfer action from your Inventory or Cave, and choose which items and wajas you want to transfer. The confirmation page lets you choose which transfer to add them to, or you create a new transfer. Send it off and it shows up alongside your regular transfers, in a new Bulk Transfers tab.

Detailed Walkthru

For this walkthru I'll send some items and wajas from my side account to my main. The first step is to go to the Inventory page, and click the Bulk Actions button:

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From here, choose Bulk Transfer Items from the action menu, and enter quantities for the items you want to transfer. You can transfer items from one page at a time.

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Clicking the Continue button brings you to the Confirmation page, and you can double check the items and quantities you've chosen.

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Below the items is a dropdown where you choose which Bulk Transfer to add thems to. Since this is a new transfer we'll choose Create a new Bulk Transfer from the dropdown, and a form appears where we can fill in some details. Here we give the transfer a name and choose who to send it to. You can also enter an optional note if you wish. At this point we don't have to choose a recipient, you can choose one when you send the transfer, but in this case we know who we want to send it to so we choose that user.

Note: The User Picker has its own Library page, but basically you can click it to choose a friend, or enter a user ID, or enter a user name to look up that user's ID.

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Click the Create & Add Items button, and you'll get a confirmation notice that the items have been added to the bulk transfer.

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Next we'll go to the Cave and choose Bulk Transfer like we did for items.

Click on the wajas you want to transfer; chosen wajas are highlighted and checked. You can choose wajas from one page at a time.

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When you're done, click the Continue button which brings you to the Confirmation page where you can double check the wajas being transferred. The dropdown should already show Bulk Transfer, and below that you'll see the details of that bulk transfers. You can choose a different bulk transfer if you wish, or create another new one, but for now we'll use the default one.

Click the Add Wajas to Bulk Transfer button.

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At this point we've added everything we want to the bulk transfer and we're ready to send it. Go to the Transfers page and click on the Bulk tab. It should list the Pending transfers already, but if it doesn't choose Pending from the Incoming/Outgoing/Pending secondary tabs.

The Pending bulk transfers are listed here, with some summary info.

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The contents of the transfer are initially hidden, but clicking on Show Contents reveals them. Clicking the X on any item or waja card will remove it from the transfer immediately.

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In order to send the bulk transfer we'll click the Edit button which reveals a form where we can edit the details of the bulk transfer.

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In this case we just want to send the transfer, so we click the Send It! radio button and click the Save Changes & Send button.

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We get a confirmation notice that the transfer has been sent.

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The Transfers page will show the transfer in the Bulk tab under the Outgoing secondary tab.

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If you need to cancel the transfer or edit it, click the Cancel button. This will not delete the transfer, but will move it back to the Pending sub tab where you can make your changes to it.

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Note: Wajas in a bulk transfer count against your cave size, just like wajas in a regular transfer. Your cave settings now show how many wajas are in transfer:

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I want to thank staff and the beta testers for all their help, feedback, and brilliant suggestions. I'm hugely grateful to all of you.

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